Dissertation report problems

Some students treated the dissertation abstract as the report introduction; Abstract is not the same as the Introduction Section of a report; pls read Research methods textbooks carefully.

Some Independent Studies (IS) reports read like lecture notes; at most, the reports are literature review exercises; this is not good enough. You need to apply Research Methods skills, e.g. data gathering skills as well as qualitative and quantitative data analysis skills.

Some students did not provide referencing in their IS reports; some reports have incorrect harvard referencing format.

Another example:
Research design problem: Internet is BIG:
Student A IS report: My survey is done via the Internet...
Now consider this:
Person A: Where do you live?
Person B: I live in the planet called the Earth

Many reports have grammatical errors; some have grammatical errors starting right from their IS report essay titles.

All these quality problems in IS reports can be avoided and should not not happen.


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