An informed consent form sample to review: for class discussion in MBA class

An informed consent form sample (sent via email) to review: for class discussion in MBA class


Thanks for joining and sharing all the information with me for my dissertation today. After our conversation, I will have a digestion on the topics on those management concerns that we talked about and perhaps I can share with you on my final presentation contents with you once ready!  And I will be taken your verbal + meeting acceptance as my consent of my dissertation for my research topic.

Project title: An investigation on the XXX of Melon Limited

Researcher name : Boss Lee


The interview will take up to 1-2 hours .

We don’t anticipate that there are any risks associated with your participation, but you have the right to stop the interview or withdraw from the research at any time.


Once again thank you for agreeing to be interviewed as part of the above research project. Ethical procedures for academic research undertaken from UK institutions require that interviewees agree to being interviewed and how the information contained in the interview will be used. 


This consent email is necessary for us to ensure that you understand the purpose of your involvement and that you agree to the conditions of your participation.

• the interview will be recorded and a transcript will be produced

• you will be sent the transcript and given the opportunity to correct any factual


• the transcript of the interview will be analyzed by (Boss Lee) as

research investigator

• access to the interview transcript will be limited to (Boss Lee)

and academic colleagues and researchers with whom he might collaborate as

part of the research process

• any summary interview content, or direct quotations from the interview, that

are made available through academic publication or other academic outlets will be anonymized so that you cannot be identified, and care will be taken to ensure that other information in the interview that could identify yourself is not revealed

• the actual recording will be (kept or destroyed state what will happen) University of Apple Land.


Interview Consent Form

  1. any variation of the conditions above will only occur with your further explicit approval

Or a quotation agreement could be incorporated into the interview agreement

Quotation Agreement

 As explained , you also understand that my words may be quoted directly. With regards to being quoted, please initial next to any of the statements that you agree with:


As agreed , you agreed to be quoted directly if your name is not published and a made-up name (pseudonym) is used and preferred to be quote with title at anonymous sources.


You acknowledged all or part of the content of your interview may be used;

 In academic papers, policy papers or news articles

End quote


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