
Showing posts from January, 2024

Research Projects (A&F) tutorial topics (session 2) Spring 2024

  Research projects (A&F)   tutorial   topics (session 2) Spring 2024  First of all:  a checklist to evaluate acceptability of the research proposal  and a note on  how to refine research objectives in your proposal: an illustration . Also take a look at  some examples of research objectives . The main theme is  correlation analysis 1. On covariance  [video]; demonstration of Excel a. basic concept of correlation video:  understanding correlation . b. note the difference with  causal relations . [also study the video  on causal relationships ] c. a video:  types of variables (detailed) . d. on  mediators and moderators  &  control variables  in correlation modelling. (further discussion of the mediator under the topic of  intervening variables ). 1.1 scatter diagram *** basic tutorial video on  scatterplot and linear correlation (also refer to:

Research project session 1 Spring 2024

  Research project session 1 Spring, 2024   1. Briefing on the module handbook 1.1 also take a look at the research project  proposal structure  [Title, study rationale, 3 objectives/hypotheses/ questions , contribution of existing literature, methodology, timeframe; a reference list .] (also  compared with  the final report structure ).  An example of an academic article on  finance with usage of correlation analysis . 1.2   major due date [March 18, 2024]: 1,000 words proposal: [proposal is  10%  of the total mark]. 1.3 10 min. oral presentation of proposal ideas [5 min presentation and 5 minutes questioning from lecturer] + 1 A4 page [i.e. one side only] summary  [bullet points of your presentation] [oral presentation is   10%   of the total mark]. [F or the oral presentation, the presentation summary bullet point is 1 page (1 side) A4 paper and the project timeline (indicating stage progress and schedule...

An informed consent form sample to review: for class discussion in MBA class

An informed consent form sample (sent via email) to review: for class discussion in MBA class Quote Thanks for joining and sharing all the information with me for my dissertation today. After our conversation, I will have a digestion on the topics on those management concerns that we talked about and perhaps I can share with you on my final presentation contents with you once ready!  And I will be taken your verbal + meeting acceptance as my consent of my dissertation for my research topic. Project title : An investigation on the XXX of Melon Limited ” Researcher name : Boss Lee   The interview will take up to 1-2 hours . We don’t anticipate that there are any risks associated with your participation, but you have the right to stop the interview or withdraw from the research at any time.   Once again thank you for agreeing to be interviewed as part of the above research project. Ethical procedures for academic research undertaken from UK institutions re...