Business Management (OB) – Timetable 2023


Business Management (Organisational Behaviour): 

Timetable May-Aug 2023

JKKH dated: March 28, 2023




1.      May 18 (Thur): 7-10pm

Introduction to organizations and management:

Management thoughts of yesterday and today

Historical background

Scientific and behaviour management streams

* The roles, types and views of managers

* Effective managers

* Management skills.

* Functions of management

Robbins and Coulter (2021): part 1: chapter 1: managers and you in the workplace


1a. evolution of management thought 

1b. Contingency approach to management. (another briefing on the contingency approach).

2. How to be a more effective manager.

3. Five tips to become a more effective manager.

4. Management skills.


1a.      Classical management theory

1b. Evolution of management/ also the history of management.

1c. Fayol's principles of management./ also study administrative management.

1d. Scientific management. (another introductory video on scientific management).

1e. Lilian Gilbreth: First Lady of Engineering. (and then study Gilbreth Motion Studies).

2a.      Contingency and system perspectives on management./ also study the video on the contingency approach to management. (another one)./ a more detailed briefing./ On contingency theory with the major example of Fiedler's leadership theory.

2b. Humans relations theory/ also on the elements of human relations theory./ also study the human relations movement (mainly subsumed under the label of neoclassical theory)./ another briefing on human relations theory. [and another one on human relations management]. Also be aware of the work of Mary Follett & Chester Barnard.

2c. Bureaucratic management theory (Max Weber). (compare it with adhocracy; also study bureaucracy in organizations).

2d. Systems theory of organizations.

3a.      What is organisational behaviour?

3b. Functions of management.

4a. 2 major views of managers: omnipotent and symbolic.

4b. Management by walking around.

5. Mintzberg's managerial roles.

6. Types of manager/ also on kinds of manager.

7a. Managerial skills: be a great manager.

7b. Skills that managers need.

8a. Formal and informal authority.

8b. Delegation of authority.

8c. Position power.

2.      May 25 (Thur): 7-10pm

Structure of organisations and organization change

Types of organisation

* Departmentalization

Environmental impacts on organisations, e.g. PESTLE analysis

Stakeholder theory and analysis

Effective organization

* Organizational Development

Robbins and Coulter (2021) Part 2: chapter 2: influence of the external environment and the organization’s culture

Robbins and Coulter (2021): part 4: chapter 11: designing organizational structure


1. organization's 


2. Effective organization.

3. Differences between a formal and informal organization

4a. Lewin's change theory.

4b. Kotter's 8-steps model of change.

5. Organizational structure.


1a. Organizational structures explained. (another introductory lecture). (also on foundations of organizational structure).

1b. Formal and informal organizational structure

1c. Departmentalization

1d. Organizational configuration of Mintzberg.

1e. Mechanistic and organic structure. (also study the contingency approach to organizational design).

1f. On effective organization.

1g. Organization structure study (Joan Woodward). (also study the related topic of technical complexity).

2.      Different forms of business

3a.      PESTEL analysis

3b. External scanning and analysis.

4.      Stakeholder theory/ also stakeholder theory (ACCA).

5a. Organizational change.

5b. Lewin's change theory.

5c. Kotter's 8-step change model.

5d. Organizational development.

5e. Change management models.

6a. Efficiency and effectiveness.

6b. What is efficiency?

6c. Measuring organizational effectiveness.

3.      Jun 1 (Thur): 7-10pm

Planning and decision making

* Foundations of planning
Strategic issues in planning

* Corporate vs business strategy

* Planning tools and techniques: Swot analysis, Porter’s five-forces analysis, value chain analysis, organizational culture analysis

* Organizational culture and strategic management.

* Corporate culture

* Boston Consulting Group Matrix

* Managerial decision-making and decision-making in organizations

* Mission statement

* Economic moat

Robbins and Coulter (2021): part 3: chapters 8 (foundations of planning) and chapter 9(managing strategy)


1. planning - a management function.

2. How to set strategic planning goals.

3. Organizational planning in 3 levels. (also see this note).

4. What is environmental scanning.

5. On Management by Objectives.

6. On employee engagement.

7a. On Herbert Simon model of decision-making.

7b. Incremental decision making

7c. On Garbage Can Decision Making.

7d. Rational decision making: the steps.

1.      Strategic issues explained.
2a.      Planning in an organizational setting

2b. Planning levels (3 levels).

2c. How to write a mission statement./ another how-to briefing./ also study the difference between mission and vision statement.

2d. Economic moat.

2e. Corporate vs business strategy.

2f. An introduction to corporate strategy.

2g. Business level strategy.

2h. Differentiation strategy.

2i. Focused strategy.

2j. Low cost strategy.

2k. horizontal vs vertical integration.

2l. Ansoff matrix.

2m. Mass customization

3a. Environmental scanning.
3b.      SWOT analysis

3c. On BCG Matrix.

3d. What is first-mover advantage.

3e. Organizational culture and strategic management.

3f. Corporate culture (Deal and Kennedy)./ also a brief lecture on OB (culture)./ organizational culture (overview)./ Handy's organizational culture model.

3g. What is competitive advantage.

4.      Porter’s five-forces model
5.      Porter’s value chain analysis
6.      Organizational culture (Edgar Schein).

7a. Managerial decision-making.

7b. Why decision making is so difficult (H. Simon).

8a. The decision-making process  model of H. Simon. (vs the Garbage Can Model to decision making).

8b. Incremental decision making.

8c. The rational decision making process (and steps).

8d. Decision theory vs bounded rationality.

8e. Decision Making Theorists and their theories.

8f. Types of decision making in management.

8g. Decision making in management.

9. Planning and goal setting in management.

10. What is management by objective (MBO)./ another briefing on MBO.

11. Operations strategy in global environment.

4.      Jun 8 (Thur): 7-10pm


* Organizational structure and design

Level of management and chain of control

* Span of control

Functional departments and their characteristics

Centralization and decentralization

* Delegation

* Line and staff authority

* Communication models

* Strategic Business Unit.

Managing change and innovation

Human resource management

* Organizational behavior (communication)

* Training and developing employees

Robbins and Coulter (2021): part 4: chapter 11: designing organizational structure, chapter 12 managing human resources; part 2: chapter 7: managing change and disruptive innovation


1. what is organizing function of management.

2. factors affecting organization design.

3. Difference between line authority and staff authority.

4. HR basics: performance appraisals in the workplace.

5. Innovation management.



1a.      Organizational structure

1b. Designing adaptive organizations

2a.      Centralization vs decentralization in business decision making

2b. Span of control.

2c. Delegation.

2d. Line and staff authority.

2e. Matrix organizational structure.

2f: Strategic business unit (SBU)

2g. Communication model.

3a.      Innovation (product and process)

3b. Organizational behavior (communication)/ barriers to effective communication./ another lecture on OB (communication). Lastly on communication skills.

3c. Change and innovation in management.

4.      Human resource management explained

5a.      An overview on change management

5b. The change curve.

5c. OB (organizational change)

6. Organizing function of management.

7a. HR basics: performance appraisal. (one method is called critical incidents method).

7b. HR basics: recruitment.

7c. HR basics: human resource planning

7d. HR basics: job analysis (step 1).

7e. HR basics: Job evaluation (step 2)

7f. HR basics: compensation.

7g. HR basics: pay policy (step 3).

7h. HB basics: market analysis (step 4).

7j. HR basics: base pay structure. (step 5)

7k. HR basics: pay for performance (step 6).

7l. HR basics: communicating the plan (step 7).

7m. HR basics: building a compensation plan.

7n. On internship.

7o. Contingent workers and part-time workers.

8a. On Job design. (for leisure reading: new work.)/ also a briefing on job design and analysis.

8b. On remote working.

8c. Job enlargement and rotation.

8d. Job enrichment and empowerment.

8e. Employee teams

8f. Training and developing employees.

8g. Coaching vs training.

8h. Train employees through shadowing.

9. Boundaryless and virtual organizations

5.      Jun 15 (Thur): 7-10pm

Leadership and motivation

* Leading, including the topics of job involvement and organizational commitment

Leadership and motivating employees

Understanding groups and teams

* Social loafing

* Employee engagement.

* Creating and managing teams, including creative group decision making, e.g. nominal group technique (NGT) and brainstorming

* Organizational culture

Submission deadline of assignment 1

Robbins and Coulter (2021): part 4: chapter 13: managing groups and teams

Robbins and Coulter (2021): part 5: chapter 16: motivating employees, chapter 17: being effective leader


1. what is leadership.

2a. Tuckman's model of team development.

2b. Teams and teamwork.

2c. Hill's team leadership model.

3. Holland's typology of personality.

4. 10 group decision-making techniques.

5. Job involvement.

6. Social loafing in the workplace.

7. What is employee engagement.

8. Steps to design a job that motivates employees.


1a.      Groups vs teams

1b. Work teams

1c. Organizational behavior (teams).

1d. Types of teams.

2.      Leadership vs management

3a.      Motivation theories (another introductory lecture).

3b. Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation.

3c. Maslow's hierarchy of needs (motivation theory)

3d. Employee engagement./ also study its definition.

3e. Human relations school of thought on employee motivation.

3f. Motivation - job design and goals. (also study the job characteristics model of Hackman and Oldham).

3g. Expectancy theory of motivation.

3h. The equity theory of motivation.

3i. ERG theory of motivation.

3j. Goal-setting theory of motivation.

3k. Theory x and theory y.

4a. Theories of leadership./ and leadership styles (Lewin)./ also on the trait approach.

4b. Michigan leadership studies.

4c. Ohio State Leadership Studies.

4d. Managerial grid theory of leadership.

4e. Path-goal theory of leadership.

4f. Charismatic leadership.

4g. Tannenbaum and Schmidt: the continuum of leadership behavior theory.

4h. The leadership topic of ownership

4i. Transformational leadership (also covers transactional leadership).

4j. Authentic leadership.

4k. Servant leadership.

4l. Followership.

4m. Trait theory of leadership.

4n. Situational leadership of Blanchard and Hersey.

4o. Transactional leadership theory.

5a. Team leadership. Then study Hill's team leadership model.

5b. Task roles and maintenance roles in groups

5c. Social loafing.

6. Tuckman model of team formation.

7. Holland's personality types./ also watch Holland code.

8a. Nominal group technique (NGT).

8b. Brainstorming

9a. Organizational commitment.

9b. An introductory lecture on organizational commitment./ another briefing on organizational communication.

9c. OB (organizational culture).

10a. A brief lecture on job satisfaction. (also study attitudes and job satisfaction).

10b. Employee engagement.

11. On workplace burnout.

12a. On employee empowerment (part 1) and (part 2: on work stress).

12b. Empowerment in organizations

13a. On quiet quitting.

13b. On lying flat and let it rot.

13c. The great resignation.

6.      Jun 29 (Thur): 7-10pm

Controlling and management practices for effective operation

Foundations of control

* Management control

Organisation span of control

Operational management

Control tools and techniques

* Performance appraisal systems

* Customer-responsiveness


Total quality management, including the topic of PDCA (Deming cycle).

* Value chain management.

Role of accounting and financial management in organizational control

* Corporate governance

* Employee theft

* Workplace violence

* Workplace bullies

* Employee discipline

* Whistleblowing (at work)

Robbins and Coulter (2021): part 7: chapter 18: controlling people and operations


1a. controlling as a management function.

1b. What is value chain management.

1c. Operations management

2. Balanced scorecard.

3. Types of employee theft.

4. Just-in-time production.

5. Workplace violence (pdf).

6a. What is productivity management.

6b. Productivity calculation.

7. On customer responsiveness.


1a.     The basic idea of controlling in management. 

1b. Control for principles of management .

1c. Feedback control - basics.

1d. Closed Loop Control (brief lecture).

1e. Open and closed loop examples.

1f. Feedback and feedforward control.

1g. Corporate governance./ also on "what is corporate governance all about?".

2. Span of control

3.      Just-in-time production

4.      Organizational control in management.

5a.        What is operations management?/ and relevance of operations management to you.

5b. Managing operations

5c. Value chain management.

6a.      Quality control and assurance

6b. PDCA cycle.

6c. TQM

6d. Benchmarking (business performance management).

6e. What is productivity.

6f. On 360 degree feedback./ another clear briefing.

6g. Performance appraisal systems.

7. Financial control

8. Balanced scorecard.

9. Employee theft (signs)

10a. Workplace violence

10b. Workplace bullies./ also why do workplace bullies do it./ a brief lecture on workplace bullying.

10c. Employee discipline.

10d. Whistleblowing (at work)/ also on what is a whistleblower?/ also on the whistleblower protection act.

10e. HR Basics: sexual harassment./ also study sexual harassment in the workplace.

7.      Jul 6 (Thur): 7-10pm



8.      Jul 8, 2023 (Sat): 10am-1 pm

Current issues

Role of MNC and their impact on global economy

Ethical issues, e.g. with technology in the workplace

International business and trade issue

Information Technology issue

Privacy and political issue

* Business ethics/ workplace ethics

Human right issue

Supply chain management

* Submission deadline of assignment 2.

Robbins and Coulter (2021) part 2: chapter 4: managing in a global environment, chapter 6: managing social responsibility and ethics

Robbins and Coulter (2021): part 6: controlling


1. 12 challenges in international business.

2. key issues affecting global trade right now.

3a. MNCs in the global economy.

3b. Globalization benefits and challenges.

4. Addressing human rights in business (KPMG)

5. Definition of workplace privacy.

6. What is supply chain management.

7. Carroll's pyramid of CSR.


1a. Business ethics/ also on corporate social responsibility. Another lecture on CSR./ also CSR (ACCA) lecture./ a video on social responsibility./ on Caroll's CSR pyramid.

1b. Ethical responsibility./ understanding ethics in management./ purpose, values and principles: an ethical framework.

1c. Bangladesh 10th anniversary Rana Plaza disaster; Rana Plaza disaster: documentary.

1d. Could AI be racist?

1e. Ethical issues with technology in the workplace.

1f. Workplace ethics.

1g. Love at work (office romance issue)

1h. Ethical issues on IT and IP.

1i. Ethical climate.

1j. Child labour in pakistan

1k. Stakeholders and shareholders./ also study stakeholders mapping.

2.        What is an MNC?

3a.      On MNCs: an introduction.

3b.Trompenaars 7 cultural dimensions.

4a.      Why should companies care about human rights?

4b. Addressing human rights and labor rights.

4c. Workplace privacy.

5.      What is supply chain management?

6. Trade, investment and MNCs.

7. Drivers of globalization.

8. Globalization, trade and poverty.

9. What is supply chain management.

10. Three big global challenges impacting international trade (a presentation).

9.   Jul 13 (Thur): 7-10pm

Tutorial: further discussion on lectures 1 & 2 topics


10.   Jul 20 (Thur): 7-10pm

Tutorial: further discussion on lectures 3, 4 & 5 topics


11.   Jul 27 (Thur): 7-10pm

Tutorial: further discussion on lectures 6, 7 & 9 topics


12.   Aug 3 (Thur): 7-10pm

Revision: overall revision


Exam Aug 17 (Thur)





Robbins and Coulter (2021) Management 15th edition, Pearson

Subject folder


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