Housing Studies Research Methods class : Sept 2022-Jan. 2023

 Housing Studies Research Methods class : Sept 2022-Jan. 2023

Joseph, K.K. Ho 




Wk1: Sept. 26


Introduction to the Module and Research Methods

Note the scope of Housing Studies (journal):

The journal explores a range of academic and policy concerns including, but not limited to:

• linkages between housing and other areas of social and economic policy

• the role of housing in everyday life and in gender, class and age relationships

• the economics of housing consumption and housing finance

• international comparisons and developments

• issues of sustainability and housing development

• demographic and social trends and the changing role of housing tenures

• theoretical and conceptual frameworks for housing studies

*** your dissertation project topic should be related to housing studies (notably related to subjects you have learned in your degree study on housing).

Some basic information about dissertation:

1. Proposal: 1,500 words
2. Progress report: 2,500 words
3. Final report: 15,000 words
Dissertation project start-date: to be advised.

The meta-blog article on all research methods e-resources (videos)

Collection of e-resources on relevant academic domains/ topics for intellectual learning.

What is plagiarism? (also study the video).

* a video on harvard referencing. (also study Leeds Beckett University guidelines).

A form-filling exercise to produce a dissertation proposal.


How to write a problem statement.

on research paradigms (with organized slides; a lecture).

introduction to research methods and methodologies.

* definition of research design, research methodology and methods.

on methods and methodologies. 1

on methods and methodologies 2 (with clear written definitions).

The relationship between method and methodology.

on methodology.

research types.

macrosociology vs microsociology. Also see this video with useful slides.

purposes of research.


what is self-plagiarism.

on research concerns, objectives and questions.

what is social research.

dissertation table of contents (housing).


Judith Bell: Chapters 1, 2 and 4.

Wk2: Oct. 3


Introduction to Quantitative Methods  – Questionnaire Surveys & Design


* A briefing on assignments 1 and 2.

* A briefing on assignments 1 and 2.

Briefing on assignments 1 and 2; also examine the articles on (a) housing issues and the associated research objectives/ questions. [homelessness],(b) about housing affordability, (c) home ownership, (d) public housing, and (e) housing market.

Also check the e-resources (videos) on these assignment-related topics.

Also study: how housing concerns and research methodologies are related.


Literature on survey research.


* about quantitative research.

developing a research question.

quantitative research design.

overview of quantitative research methods.


conceptual definitions.

operational definitions.

* variables and operationalization in quantitative methods.

conceptualization and operationalization.

theories and operational definitions.

true, quasi, pre, and non-experiment.

on survey research.

survey research: features, benefits and drawbacks.

10 steps to do a survey.

designing a survey.

survey sampling techniques.

on questionnaire research.

designing a questionnaire.

writing good survey questions.

how to create a survey with Google Forms.

* see a full list of research methods in the blog note (video resources).

* e-resources for building blocks on statistical methods used in dissertation projects.


Judith Bell: Chapter 8.

A FB-based questionnaire survey to study social justice perceptions in HK housing policy.

Wk3: Oct. 10


Quantitative methods  – secondary data analysis

 * e-resources about secondary research.

Wk4: Oct. 17


Quote and Unquote – Harvard Referencing

Skills for Learning



* a video on harvard referencing.

harvard referencing.

how to quote.

how to paraphrase.

literature review.

writing the literature review.

how to write a literature review.

outline your literature review structure.

identifying themes and gaps in literature.

common errors in literature review practice.

what to write for your literature review chapter.

videos on theories [and theory testing].

theoretical framework.

how to develop a conceptual framework.

developing a theoretical framework (3 steps).

the role of theory in your dissertation project.

Bloom's taxonomy of learning.

* e-learning materials on literature review

* e-learning materials on research gap

Wk5: Oct. 24


Introduction to Excel statistics functions

 On quantitative research methods - specific statistics topics.

Wk6: Oct. 31


Excel statistics functions and statistics application

 * two types of dissertation projects in housing studies.

* a comprehensive list of video resources on quantitative research methods.

* on research objectives and research questions.

Wk7: Nov. 7

[online class]


Introduction to qualitative methods - interviews and desk research.

Excel functions demonstration 

 * Statistics videos blog note.

* An article on livability with Excel regression report.

on research objectives and research questions.

* on how to study an academic article for housing assignment work.

Wk8: Nov. 14


Qualitative methods – focus groups

 * A blog note about ALRA zone 2: conceptual definition.

* The meta-blog article on all research methods e-resources (videos)

Wk9: Nov. 21


Qualitative methods - Ethnography and participant observation

 A demo on chi-squared test.

Qualitative research methods: interview, focus group and participant observation.

* a blog note on analyzing raw interview research method findings.

* The meta-blog article on all research methods e-resources (videos)

Wk10: Nov. 28


Qualitative methods – visual methods

 e-learning resources on visual research methods.


visual research. **

Photo elicitation and photovoice as a research method. ** [review this in class]

* Visual methods in qualitative research [review this in class]


photo-elicitation interviewing.

photovoice training.

photovoice presentation. **

how to create a photovoice project.

picturing social change: photovoice. **

qualitative research using visual methods.

Media analysis and visual methods.

** Blog noted reviewed: Interview Research: data analysis.

** A video reviewed: scientific claims.

** A video on "How I became homeless: Singapore".

A revision of literature review: video resources

Wk11: Dec. 5


Choosing appropriate research methods 1

 ** on research methods advantages and disadvantages.

** on research methods quality (videos resources).

* on the "pros and cons of research methods".

Briefing on assignment 2.

A blog note on assignment 2 requirement clarification.

Wk12: Dec. 12


Choosing appropriate research methods 2 / Putting together a dissertation research proposal

 * on the "pros and cons of research methods".

** on research methods quality (videos resources).

* The meta-blog article on all research methods e-resources (videos)

* a blog note on zoning and basic format of the agile literature review approach diagramming.

* a collection of blog notes on the agile literature review approach 2022.

* a note on dissertation proposal elements.

Wk13: Dec. 19


Dissertation report writing skills

 * dissertation table of contents template (housing dissertation).

* a note on project proposal and progress review paper.

* e-resources on research questions and problems.

Wk14: Jan. 9


Tutorial Session

 * e-resources on academic writing skills.

* on the difference between literature review and desk research.

* on desk research: a note.

* study materials on content analysis.

* on the notion of "chain of evidence" in report writing.

* a collection of videos on conceptualization, operationalization and unit of analysis.

* study materials on the topic of theory (videos)

* study materials on research method protocol.

* The meta-blog article on all research methods e-resources (videos)

* About the table of contents of dissertation project of the academic-oriented type.

A note on the main reasons of plagiarism.



Bell, J. 2010. Doing your research project, 5th edition, Open University Press.

Other resources: 

Google Drive Folder: the link.

The meta-blog article on all research methods e-resources (videos)

Collection of e-resources on relevant academic domains/ topics for intellectual learning.


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