
Showing posts from August, 2022

e-resources (videos ) on qualitative research

  e-resources (videos ) on qualitative research : 1a. What is qualitative research?  (also overview of qualitative research ). 1b. How to mix methods ./ Mixing methods . 1c. Qualitative research process . Also study qualitative research methods . 1d. How many cases are enough . 1e. Interpretive frameworks . 1f. Paradigms and qualitative perspectives . 1g. How to write qualitative research questions . 1h. Sampling in qualitative research . 1i. Strengths of qualitative research . 1j. Kinds of qualitative research . 1k. Qualitative research design . 2. Scientific rigor . 3. On reflexivity 4a. Ontology . 4b. Epistemology . 5a. Phenomenology . 5b. Hermeneutics . 5c. Pragmatism . 5d. Ethnography . 6. Theoretical saturation . 7. Criteria for research quality . 8. Qualitative writing . 9a. Qualitative analysis . 9b.  Framework analysis . 9c. Analytic induction . 9d. Simple steps in thematic analysis . 9e. Analysis of qualitative data ./ also study qualitative data analysis . 9f. ...

Housing Studies Research Methods class : Sept 2022-Jan. 2023

  Housing Studies Research Methods class : Sept 2022-Jan. 2023 Joseph, K.K. Ho  Week Topic Resources Wk1: Sept. 26 7-10pm. Introduction to the  M odule and  R esearch  Methods Note the scope of Housing Studies (journal): The journal explores a range of academic and policy concerns including, but not limited to: • linkages between housing and other areas of social and economic policy • the role of housing in everyday life and in gender, class and age relationships • the economics of housing consumption and housing finance • international comparisons and developments • issues of sustainability and housing development • demographic and social trends and the changing role of  housing tenures • theoretical and conceptual frameworks for housing studies *** your dissertation project topic should be related to housing studies (notably related to subjects you have learned in your...

No longer using Facebook AC Joseph KK Ho

No longer using Facebook AC Joseph KK Ho : The Facebook Account of Joseph KK Ho is no longer used and controlled by me. I am not using and will not be using Facebook and the messenger for communication purpose. All my students and friends need to be aware of this situation. Start to use mewe: