Research project session 1 (surgery) [accounting and finance students]Jan 2022

Research project session 1 (surgery) Jan 2022

 1. Briefing on the module handbook

1.1 also take a look at the research project proposal structure.
1.2  major due dates: 1000 words proposal: March 14, 2022 (Monday); final report: June 17, 2022 (Friday): [proposal is 10% of the total mark].
1.3 10 min. oral presentation of proposal ideas + 1 A4 page summary  [both sides] [oral presentation is 10% of the total mark].
1.4 note that final report is 5,000 words [80% of the total mark].

2. A checklist of things to learn:

2.1. Choosing relevant and feasible topics: e.g. capital structureshare buyback, corporate governance, IPOdividend policy. Overall, the topic has to be related to accounting and finance. Also study the basic topic on "How to Develop a Good Research Topic". 
2.2 Using university e-library; examples of academic journal publishersemeraldsciencedirecttaylor and franciswiley, etc..

2.3. Time management and learning mode/ process; the learning mode/ process of research project is not the same for exam-based subjects.

2.4. How to use the support, e-learning support from the lecturer and teacher; 

2.5. Major areas of attention: 
(i) quantitative data analysis, e.g. on using Excel and data interpretation.
(ii) plagiarism, including and quotation abuseHarvard referencing. Something you need to know about turnitin software, e.g. the similarity score.
(iii) literature review skills; also study "how to read a journal article" [video] and "How Many References Should you Use in an Essay?".
(iv) report writing skills, read some academic articles as samples. Also check Youtube for this, e.g. video 1 (on introduction); video 2 (on finding section). This includes abstract writing; an example of an abstract.
(v) research design issues and, 
(vi) required learning mode for research project,
(vii) the concern of multiple sources of ideas and advice from the lecturer and local tutors.

3. Preparatory learning to do now
Use the following key words to search for some YouTube videos to watch:
3.1. "Literature review" [Literature review is not the same as annotated bibliography].
3.2. "Plagiarism" and "how to quote".
3.3. "Harvard referencing"; also study "how to reduce turnitin report similarity index".
3.4. "Research objectives" [also take a look at the topic of "research gap"].
3.5. "Research questions" [also study the video on some advice on writing research aims].

4. Facebook e-resource group on research project.

Notice: about Facebook ac: Joseph KK Ho


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