Subject scope of strategic management accounting 2020 Feb.

Subject scope of strategic management accounting 2020 Feb.


Upon successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

Demonstrate knowledge of:

1               Critically evaluate a range of key strategic management accounting models and concepts;
2               Critically understand the strategic role of management accounting at local and

international level.

3               Critically understand the merits and limitations of management accounting theory.


1.       Apply the key management accounting concepts and methodologies in order to contribute to successful decision making in an organisation.


The above learning outcomes will be developed through an exploration of some of the following subject areas: a) An introduction to Strategic management accounting;
b) Strategic cost management and performance management; c) Relevant and irrelevant costs and revenues; d) Activity based costing; e) Pricing decisions; f) Budgeting;
g) Management accounting control systems; Divisional Financial Performance Measures and
Transfer Pricing; h) Standard costing and Variance analysis; i) Working capital management.


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