
Showing posts from February, 2020

Mgt concerns diagram and theoretical framework level-0: an example

Management-concerns diagram and theoretical framework level-0: an example on a pair of diagrams The problem-situation facing the company in the form of a cognitive map: *** in most cases, students doing dissertation projects do not need to produce a cognitive map to portray the problem-situation in their dissertation reports. An example of a management-concerns diagram An example of a corresponding theoretical framework level-0 References FB page on cognitive mapping FB group the agile literature review approach

Subject scope of strategic management accounting 2020 Feb.

Subject scope of strategic management accounting 2020 Feb. L EA R N I NG OUT C O M E S : Upon successfu l c om p le t ion o f this mo d ul e , student s will b e able to: D e mo n s t ra te knowledg e of: 1                Cri t ica lly evaluate a ra n g e o f ke y strategic m a n a ge m ent a c coun t in g mod e l s a nd concepts; 2                Cri t ica lly und e rstan d th e st r ate g i c r ole o f managemen t accountin g a t l o ca l and internat i onal level. 3                Cri t ica lly und e rstan d th e merits an d limitat i o ns o f m a n a ge m ent a c c o u n ti ng t h eory. S k i ll s ; 1 .       A p pl y th e key mana g e men t accountin g concept ...

Independent study supplementary lecture - March 9 & 31, 2020

Independent study supplementary lecture - March 9 and March 31, 2020 [ three-hour lecture ] March 31 - main focus 1. Introduction to multiple linear regression (video) . Note the following in particular: Examples of independent variables that are likely to be correlated with each other, when used together as x variables: (i) return on equity, (ii) return on total assets and (iii) return on net total assets.   2.  Statistics 101: Multiple Linear Regression, Data Preparation (video) . Examining the correlation between independent variables 3. Interpreting Excel regression report (video) .         Re: on R squared (video) .         Re: On P-value (video) .     P-value being 5% in this case. Another video on probability and likelihood . Note: for our Excel exercise, the central point is the null hypothesis with b = 0, and the standard deviation is the standard error . On l...