Teaching plan - Geographical Imagination 2020 Spring
Teaching plan - Geographical Imagination 2020 Spring From: JKKH Sessions Topics Jan 30 (Thu) · What is geographical imagination, spatial imagination; briefing on course objectives and assessment methods · Basic idea of cultural geography Videos: sociological imagination (an introduction) ; why are different places are similar? (human geography) ; what is human geography? On social structure ; introduction to cultural geography [1]/ cultural geography [2]. On assimilation theory of culture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syfWacxy8vQ&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR0Ym8mCdEMzjOc-Edzl_KxrqKaSXu-luS93iVBEYdAPzpA65ySNDn7Aar4 . Slides: fields of geography ; mental map in geographical imagination ; national reality and geographical imagination ; purpose of geographical imagination ; sociological imagination . purpose of s...