Sunderland MBA dissertation briefing session 2016
Sunderland MBA dissertation briefing session 2016: (June 6): 3 hours
Basic information:
Item A
Basic information:
Item A
Assessment 001: As part of
the development of the dissertation, the student will be required to complete a
1500 word research proposal which the academic supervisor will confirm as
appropriate to enable the student to continue with the dissertation. This
element will represent 20% of the final mark.
Assessment 002: Each
dissertation is assessed internally by two members of staff. A sample of dissertations
is also sent to external examiners. Students will be required to submit one
written report of approximately 15000 words, containing a literature review,
methodology, data analysis and recommendations. The issue of how
recommendations for change could be implemented given the studies undertaken
and will be based on prior experience of the organisation or business sector
which has been investigated. Within the recommendations an outline plan
detailing the timescales, management interventions and resources that would
need to be available to implement the recommendations will be included. There will
also be a critical reflection upon the development of skills and competences
derived from the experience of undertaking the project.
Item B
Project proposal agenda:
Project proposal agenda:
1. Project background: rationale for selection: word guide: 500-750
2. Literature review: identification of the key aspects of the business literature to underpin the study: word guide: 750-1000
3. Objectives: identify 3-4 objectives
4. Methodology: to consider the main primary and secondary research: word guide: 300
5. Key activities, time-scale and resources required
Item C
About using university e-library: some viewpoints from the university:
"It is really very rare that students cannot access resources if they are registered correctly. It is usually more about understanding how resources work and ensuring you’re logged in.
Item C
About using university e-library: some viewpoints from the university:
"It is really very rare that students cannot access resources if they are registered correctly. It is usually more about understanding how resources work and ensuring you’re logged in.
If the problem is one
of finding relevant journals on Discover it may be that they aren’t using a good
variety of keywords or using some of the search features such as filters and
advanced searching."
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