Some suggestions for doing AMA assignment

Some suggestions for doing AMA assignment are as follows:

1. Do study the articles provided by Mike Tayles and pick up some ideas from there.
2. The textbook chapters on quality management, JIT, performance measures of  ROI, EVA and the last chapter  on balanced scorecard are useful. Especially, they offer examples of performance measures.
3. Try to provide 3 performance measures on each of the balanced scorecard perspectives for illustration in your case study. 
4. Linking up the performance measure to make up a strategy map (balanced scorecard concept) is useful. Indicate how the strategy map reflects the strategy of the company you are studying.
5. Go to google scholar to download additional references on balanced scorecard for literature review.
6. Read my blog article on AMA assignment report template for structuring your essay.
7. Remember that balanced scorecard measures at the business unit levels, not corporate level. And performance measures differ but related in an organizational hierarchy.
8. Make sure you have clear harvard referencing.
9. Make sure you also provide referencing for the company that you study, not only the academic references.


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