"Best" [worst] systems in dissertation supervision

This centre I have come across has developed a system of dissertation supervision, which on paper is rational; the result is terrible.

The main features of the dissertation supervision system:

a. Ask teachers to produce a number of dissertation proposals and make presentation to students so that they can choose a proposal (and a dissertation supervisor)
b. Use project control, including milestones, to control supervision process; making sure that supervisors will only get paid on reaching specific milestones.
c. Delegate most admin. works to supervisors, e.g. making appointments to meet students
d. Treat students as customers; and customers are kings.
e. Offer generous pay to supervisors, if they can achieve milestones.
f. Arrange lunch meetings with students so that potential supervisors can meet potential students.

The problem is:

a. Supervisors get a lot of admin tasks to do; the supervision task becomes boring.
b. Students act like spoilt children; they do not respect supervisors and have poor learning attitude; supervisors are upset when students need to be chased to respond to their emails and phone calls.
c. As students are not serious about the dissertation works and do not have initiative to contact supervisors, they do not make progress in dissertation works; as a result, supervisors cannot achieve milestones and they do not get paid.
d. When the school encounters problems in dissertation system running, they intend to "improve" their project management practices and they consider to raise the compensation package to supervisors.

So,what's wrong with the supervision system? The "customer orientation" and "project management" practice are all wrong when applied in dissertation works and in education. Now think what to do again; do not tinker with the existing system....


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