There are no poor quality final year dissertation reports in computing
As I mark the software development final year projects as a second marker, I feel disappointed at what I have seen: No referencing; and when there is referencing, it is not in harvard referencing format. Reference list mainly provides url links on related resources. The final year project reports did not use proper references Very often, there are only systems diagrams, narratives are too brief and, very often, missing. The main methodology to use is Systems Development Life Cycle, not more advanced methodologies studied in the Degree programme. Even for those who have attempted to use proper methodologies and references, the line of reasoning is not clear and the writing skill remains very weak. Literature review is very brief and, often, makes up of 1-2 pages of lecture notes. It is too vague for students to just say that they are the project manager or systems analyst of the software project, because, they do not say clearly in their dissertation report...