Studying Business IT Implementation Project - some advice

For students studying the subject of Business IT Implementation Project, you should study the syllabus of the subject well and be prepared to do some reading on the relevant academic literature. This is important though the subject is a Diplom-level of subject. First of all, a recap of its syllabus as follows:


Module 10: Business IT Implementation Project

1.      Plan an appropriate project

Project selection: research and review areas of interest, select and appraise the feasibility of the chosen project.

Project specification: identify and document a list of user requirements relevant to the chosen project.

Project plan: produce an appropriate computer-based plan for the project including timescales, deliverables, milestones, etc.

2.      Develop the project

Design/structure: consider alternative design methods/techniques and environment, which could include the use of data analysis, structured design, object design, graphical displays, statistical data, etc.

Development: review, select and use suitable software to implement the project.

Documentation: document all stages to agreed standards.

3.      Verify the project

Plan: formulate and agree a verification plan, which ensures the developed product fulfils its specification.

Verification techniques: review, select and use appropriate verification techniques, these will vary widely according to the nature of the project but could include user verification, software testing, statistical surveys, questionnaires, etc.

Implementation: implement and document the agreed verification plan.

4.      Evaluate the project

Demonstration: delivered by the student, this will vary according to the project but should be either an oral presentation using charts, graphs, reports etc. prepared using suitable WP, presentation, spreadsheet software etc or a demonstration of a software solution which is well organised and structured.

Audience: demonstration should be to a known audience (peer group, tutors, etc).

Documentation: complete final documentation of all stages of the project to agreed standards, critical evaluation of the project.


At this point, I indicates some relevant references to you; pls feel free to borrow relevant textbooks from your local public libraries. You should take the opportunity of your study to learn how to apply IT project management concepts  as well as systems analysis and design concepts in your assignment, and reading the relevant literature is required. Do not just say that you are confused with my comments on your assignment proposals; you need to learn the subject via reading the relevant literature and then, learning by you cannot be imposed by the teacher.

  1. Steward, R.A. (008) "A framework for the life cycle management of information technology projects: ProjectIT" International Journal of Project Management 26, pp. 203-212
  2. Ghanhramani, B. (2004) "An analysis, design, and development model: a case study of an internet-based system for insert  and parameter selection" Information Systems Journal 14, pp. 169-193.


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