
Showing posts from January, 2019

Entrepreneurship and small business management - additional assignment advice

Entrepreneurship and small business management - additional assignment advice Spring 2019: Task 1:  * different types of entrepreneurial ventures Morris et al. 2016. "Distinguishing Types of Entrepreneurial Ventures: An Identity-Based Perspective" Journal of Small Business Management. * high-tech and low-tech entrepreneurial ventures Massimo G. Colombo, Evila Piva, Anita Quas & Cristina Rossi-Lamastra (2016) How high-tech entrepreneurial ventures cope with the global crisis: changes in product innovation and internationalization strategies, Industry and Innovation, 23:7, 647-671, DOI: 10.1080/13662716.2016.1196438 Carola Jungwirth & Petra Moog (2004) Selection and support strategies in venture capital financing: high-tech or low-tech, hands-off or hands-on?, Venture Capital, 6:2-3, 105-123, DOI: 10.1080/1369106042000224703 Task 2:  * small businesses' impact on the economy * small businesses' impact on the social economy José...

Teaching topics of the subject of "Entrepreneurship and small business management

Teaching topics of the subject of "Entrepreneurship and small business management" : 1. The range of venture types that might be considered entrepreneurial 2. Assess the impact of small businesses on the economy 3. Determine and assess the key aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset 4. Examine the different environments that foster or hinder entrepreneurship e-resource FB group on the subject

Independent study tutorial 2 topics Spring 2019

Independent study tutorial 2 topics  Spring 2019: main theme being correlation analysis 1. On correlation analysis ; demonstration of Excel **** basic concept of correlation video: understanding correlation . **** note the difference with causal relations . 1.1 scatter diagram *** basic tutorial video on scatterplot and linear correlation (also refer to:, and coefficient of determination . A related video on the coefficient of determination/ correlation ; a video on coefficient of determination . *** on Simpson's Paradox 1.2 Data->data analysis -> regression 2. On updated info of IS Spring 2019 3. Video: on P-value and significance test / Z-tests e-resources Excel resource Literature on correlation analysis

Independent study session 1 2019 agenda

Independent study session 1 2019 agenda Class B: Jan 9, 2019 Class A: Jan 15, 2019 Class C: Jan 14, 2019 1. Briefing on the module handbook *** also take a look at the IS proposal structure . 2. A checklist of things to learn: 2.1. Choosing relevant and feasible topics: e.g.  capital structure ,  share buyback , corporate governance,  IPO ;  dividend policy . Overall, the topic has to be related to  accounting and finance. 2.2 Using university e-library; examples of  academic journal publishers :  emerald ;  sciencedirect ,  taylor and francis ,  wiley , etc.. 2.3. Time management and learning mode/ process; the learning mode/  process  of independent study is not the same for exam-based subjects. 2.4. How to use the support, e-learning support from the lecturer and teacher;  2.5. Major risk areas:  (i) quantitative data analysis, e.g. on using Excel and data interpretation; see  correlation ana...