
Showing posts from March, 2014

Last lecture on eCommerce on legal and ethical aspects

The last lecture on GW ecommerce on Sunday March 23, 2014 1. On ethical and legal aspects of ecommerce 2. On data protection acts Key concepts : Trust, sellers and customers' rights; honesty; sales of goods act; contract law; copyright, trademark and patent laws. privacy - email marketing practices. Note intellectual property law

Anglia Ruskin U - MBA Research Methods assignment

The following are the main points to note for the Anglia Ruskin U MBA Research Methods assignment A dissertation proposal 1. Introduction: covering research questions and objectives 2. Literature review 3. Methodology Word count exclude title page; executive summary, reference list and appendices; word count does includes words in charts and tables. The assignment must not exceed 4,000 words in length. Assessment criteria are: * Research questions and objectives * Indicative literature review * Methodology * Reflection and resources * Overall structure Further details, pls refer to the Research Methods - Assignment doc.

Independent study workshop topic March 17

The following topics will be covered in coming Independent Study workshop on March 17: 1. Feedbacks from UK Lecturer on proposals 2. On formulation of research questions 3. On research design and literature review 4. On evaluation criteria: internal validity , external validity and reliability 5. What to prepare for oral presentation

Mgt consulting topic in Research Methods class

The following information is on management consulting for the GW Research Methods class: a. 2014 folder b. Pre-2014 folder