
Showing posts from January, 2014

Qualification requirements to be a university teacher

Below is an example of what to expect from a teacher involved in tertiary education . The requirements are typical: • Holds a doctorate in a business discipline or an appropriate terminal qualification in a related discipline such as law, sociology, economics, mathematics or psychology; and • Has earned a doctoral degree in the past five years; OR • Has enrolled for a doctoral degree and is in the final stages of completion; OR • Holds a doctorate. and as published a book with a reputable, scholarly publisher, in the last five years OR • Holds a doctorate and has published an article in a peer-reviewed journal in the past five years; and EITHER (a) has two further publications across peer-reviewed journals or book chapters or has published a book, in the past five years OR (b) can provide evidence of a minimum of two of the following: o has editorial responsibilities for a respected scholarly journal; or o is a regular reviewer for scholarly journals and major conferences; o...

Independent Study 2014 tutorial 2

Tutorial 2 topics for Independent Study class are: 1. Quantitative research methods 2. Research methods - an overview 3. Plagiarism Related links: 1. On quantitative methods 2. On plagiarism 3. On Research Methods 4. On chi-squared test Also note latest guidelines on final report structure : Final Project Structure Title (should be concise –short in words) Abstract (briefly describe what you have done and the main conclusions/contribution(s) of your work) to the current literature. (5 marks) Acknowledgements Contents 1. Introduction (state the objectives of your research, summarize your motivations for having chosen the topic, talk briefly about your sample and the reasons for choosing that sample, briefly state 2-3 articles on which you based your research and the contributions you intend to give to the current literature –be clear, coherent and concise) (10 Marks) 2. Literature Review (review at least 10-15 articles related which support theoretically and o...

Help or not help in literature review - a contingency matter

A student in Independent Study asks me to share some journal articles on "capital structure" with him/her; I decide not to do so because there are lots of articles on this topic from the university e-library and Internet. Students need to learn how to use the university e-library in Independent study. I will consider this case to share resources if the student tells me that he/she is handicapped, e.g. blinded. If the topic is uncommon, I will also consider the case to help.

Teaching plan - Research Methods for BABS classes, 2014

The following teaching plan is for BABS Research Methods classes 2014. For my part there are 8 sessions altogether: Session 1: What is Research Methods and What is a Management Consultant re: Reference Lecture 01 Session 2: Writing project proposal and generating project ideas re: Reference Lecture 02 Session 3: Literature Review re: Reference Lecture 03 Session 4: Research Strategy and managing the project re: Reference Lectures 04 and 05 Session 5: (a) Gain Research Access and managing relationships with clients and project supervisors [with special reference on Case Study Research and Action Research; (b)Research and Consulting Ethics [with special reference on plagiarism] re: Reference Lectures 06 and 07 Session 6: Use primary and secondary data re: Reference Lectures 08 and 09 Session 7: Select samples and quantitative data analysis re: Reference Lectures 10 and 11 Session 8: Writing and presenting reports [with special reference on harvard referencing and ...

Independent study workshop - 2014 Jan

The following information should be noted by students on Independent Study : Module Handbook pg. 8: a. Research Proposal: 1,000 words (10% of module assessment mark) b. Interim Review: 10 min. oral review (10% of module assessment mark)+ 1 A4 page of review note c. Final report: 5,000 words maximum (80% of module assessment mark) Things to note in general: 1. Students need to read books on Research Methods and Dissertation Writing; 2. Students also need to learn how to conduct literature review using the facility of the university e-library (and be familiar with academic publishers ) 3. Students need to learn what is plagiarism 4. Students need to have good time management. 5. Students need to learn harvard referencing . References Previous workshop resources: Research methods forum: Accounting and Finance forum: https:/...