Qualification requirements to be a university teacher
Below is an example of what to expect from a teacher involved in tertiary education . The requirements are typical: • Holds a doctorate in a business discipline or an appropriate terminal qualification in a related discipline such as law, sociology, economics, mathematics or psychology; and • Has earned a doctoral degree in the past five years; OR • Has enrolled for a doctoral degree and is in the final stages of completion; OR • Holds a doctorate. and as published a book with a reputable, scholarly publisher, in the last five years OR • Holds a doctorate and has published an article in a peer-reviewed journal in the past five years; and EITHER (a) has two further publications across peer-reviewed journals or book chapters or has published a book, in the past five years OR (b) can provide evidence of a minimum of two of the following: o has editorial responsibilities for a respected scholarly journal; or o is a regular reviewer for scholarly journals and major conferences; o...